MusicalBasics Memberships

Becoming a MusicalBasics member means getting access to all the members-only downloads such as complimentary sheet music, high-quality audio files, special piano practicing tips and music theory lessons from Lionel Yu himself.

In addition, you will get 50% more credits per month (60% more credits per month for Enlightened Membership) to spend at the Store and get the sheet music and sheet music packages you really want!

For example, let's say you want to buy Moonlight Sonata Nightmare ($7.90). By becoming a Beloved Member ($8 USD) you will receive $12 (USD) store credits, which means you'll be able to get Moonlight Sonata Nightmare + 4$ for another sheet music such as Fires of a Revolution ($8.90) or Lycoris Radiata ($6.90)!

Becoming a member is the best way to fast track your piano music journey into the depths of a world that will enlighten and inspire your soul.

NEW! As of October 2024, MusicalBasics Members can now book private online lessons with Lionel with their membership store credits.

What you get as a Member (In addition to Store Credits) - Secret Tutorials, Exclusive Sheet Music, and More

Membership plans are billed monthly. As a member, you have lifetime access to the products you've purchased, even if you cancel later. All memberships come with a 30-day, no-questions-asked 100% refund policy. Allow 24 hours for customer service support response.